Kingswood Arts Signage Design

Read about the design project by Alex Makes for Kingswood Arts here, or follow the link to view the project page: ☞ Signage Design for Kingswood Arts

Kingswood House 1914

Not far from the hidden away Sydenham Hill Station, on the Kingswood Estate in Dulwich, lies a historical gem that I fell in love with at first sight. Given the nickname ‘the Castle’ by locals, the crenellated parapets of the Kingswood House mansion feel whimsical and unexpected amongst the blocks of the council estate that surround it.

Kingswood House is a Victorian Grade II listed building with a colourful history, having changed hands many times over the years including ownership by the inventor of Bovril, and the local council. Then after a long lockdown period it went into private ownership once again and began its transformation into the non-profit community hub known as Kingswood Arts.


I was able to contribute to Kingswood Arts’ transformation process by providing feedback during a consultation of local creatives, and offering my creative services.

I had attended a historical tour of the building and walked around the grounds to get a feel of the atmosphere, an understanding of the site’s history, and what Kingswood Arts hope to achieve in the area going forward. I would get more information about this through the design briefing process during which my client provided detailed specifications about their goals with the project and supplied relevant brand assets for me to work with.

For this project, we would focus on the design of navigational and informational signage to be posted on the grounds of Kingswood House and at one of the entrances to Kingswood Estate. I prepared a proposal document for the client, to confirm our shared vision of what should be achieved and then began the design process.

Previous signage for Kingswood House on Kingswood Estate
Previous signage near entrance to Kingswood Estate
Previous signage near Kingswood House


As is usual in my design process, I first brainstorm ideas and then iteratively develop the designs before selecting a few to present. The first concepts were presented with explanations for my design choices, and how each might meet the design brief in different ways. With feedback from the client on which concept they feel would most likely meet the goals of the project, I focused on utilising the most relevant design features when designing the next drafts.

Kingswood Arts signage concept artboards design iterations
Design drafts for Kingswood Arts signage
Kingswood Arts signage mockups of concept design drafts
Mockups of Kingswood Arts signage with design concepts
Kingswood Arts signage mockups of design drafts
Mockups of Kingswood Arts signage with draft designs


We wanted the signs to be durable and long-lasting, needing to survive the English weather for as long as possible, while providing good visibility for navigation to Kingswood House. Working with local printers that could provide a relatively eco-friendly solution at a reasonable price would be ideal, so I researched some options and provided quotes for approval to the client. I could then use the appropriate print specifications to prepare the print files.

I visited Kingswood Arts again to check the locations of the signs and how they would be affixed before we ordered the prints. In this case, I recommended aluminium composite and PVC-free vinyl for use with the existing posts that would still be in quite good condition when repaired and cleaned up.

Kingswood Arts signage print design


New signage for Kingswood Arts, designed by Alex Makes
New signage for Kingswood Arts, designed by Alex Makes

This project resulted in high quality print signage that was highly visible, easy to understand, and met the brief of presenting the brand clearly. We wanted the design to be accessible to a wide range of people, appeal to local community and paying service-users, keeping in mind heritage of the location, creative services and community focus. We met that goal, and I was pleased to receive positive feedback from Kingswood Arts regarding the creative process and outcomes.

Kingswood Arts printed signage

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NB: These articles/essays are a record of my personal thoughts, theories, opinions, reviews, and of my learning process and understanding at time of writing (unless otherwise stated). These all change over time and I do not claim to know anything as a fact. Please refer to any source materials cited to form your own opinions (and then come back so we can talk about it!)