Your search for fountain pen friendly 100% recycled paper is over!

The goal with my small stationery business, Novel Notes, has always been to offer the most ethical stationery possible with the available means. This, and to make something functional, beautiful, and accessible. Some compromises had to be made along the way but as the business grows, I am able to make improvements in the quality of materials. I didn’t imagine, however, that I could be able to offer my customers something that might be considered a holy grail (in some very specific circles)…

Read the new blog post to find out how I made this discovery, with the help of one of my customers, and be amazed at the wonder that is a 100% recycled paper product that happens to be suitable for fountain pens!

Photo of a full page of writing done with a Visconti fountain pen and Waterman ink on Novel Notes 'Dots' 100% recycled paper refill. White paper sheet displayed with fountain pen and a book.

Visconti fountain pen with Waterman ink test on Novel Notes 'Dots' 100% recycled paper refill.


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